I just want a peaceful. A peace comes dropping slow. But why did they can't understood?
It's a lame story to share with. I am afraid of something. Something that i don't want it to be true. But i'm so unfortunate that the things that i don't want to be true is true. This is not hell. This is just a mess problem that was created by myself. And i am still searching on how to get rid of this messy things.
I started it first. I did it. I make them cry. I didn't mind at all. I am evil for sure. I just thought of myself at that time. I think so. I know what would happen if i still doing that.
And the day has come. I get the punishment. Fullstop. I don't want more.
You never say goodbye but i know you hope so. Thank you buddies! You are kind enough.
MY HEART, MY SOUL, MY PASSION....... THIS IS MY OFFICIAL BLOG.. :D I WRITE ANYTHING I WANT HERE.. Stalkers and silent readers are allowed because i'm kind enough. This is like my other diary. This is a place where i use to confess out my opinions and feelings... do u know that every single day happen in our life is a priceless moment.. ^^
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
TRIAL - just try?
Assalamualaikum :)
well hello there world :p
Lama dah aq x update satu satunya blog aku nieh.. asyik busy jaa.. tu tara student, bkn PM g pon == . aq tanak membesar bleh dak coz ramai org ckp, makin besar makin busy kerja kitaa... :| not awesome at all.
Okay yesterday ada karnival RELAY kat skul ibrahim... kat sg petani of course. Well, agak menarik dan ada satu dua yg menyedihkan hati. Tidak ingin distory di sini ya, harap maaf..! Biasalah asam garam kehidupan, bukan smua benda menggembirakan kita, an an? Sad story mematangkan hidup kita while Happy2 story tu membuatkan kita lebih ceria n positif utk truskan hidup ;)
Ouh, wait? ada benda penting la! ouh okay...its about TRIALLLLLLLLL!!! percubaan actually. PMR ya. dan aq ? study ke blum? bleh dpt 8A tak? eh tak boleh? -.-
huuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuu aq tension tahap gaban nieeeeee :( dah la tktau benda pa dia nak kluaq. kluaq SMUA katanya. :(((( dengan byk aktiviti bulan nie, bleh ke aq study elok2? hurmmmm
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Benda nie lah yg kita kena baca in order utk dpt A |
its sokey Nabila! u can do it! u can fail! xD eh eh takmau2 :)
Well, aq x sabar2 tunggu hari esok lusa. Hari tua aq akan muncul yeahh :) Besday la weh, bt tktau lak! and as usual, aq xdak birthday wishlist pown... :( aq x kisah dpt benda apa pon yg penting ada org ingat kita and wish "slamat hari lahir, smoga bahagia selalu". Itu pon dh cukup for me :') tp klu dpt adiah xkan la aq nak buang lak an.. and teringat lak peristiwa masa erm masa bila tah ==" umor 7 taun kot.
Once upon a time XD,
a long time ago,
there was a great birthday party that was not great at all.
at that time, == (aq nak guna bahasa ibunda!)
masa tuuu.... aq dpt beribu hadiah! serious happppyyyyyyyyy. sapa2 yg ucap happy birthday tu aq x kisah. aq nak adiah jaa!! tuuu tamak haloba tahap trokk.. == besa la kanak2 ribena tgh membesar. and of course ada birthday party :)
memang meriah gila ah party tuu with a lot of programme being held :D and aq x lupa MIMI, bes fren sejak 11 tahun duluu pon ada sekali masa tuu.. :DD well, time kecik mmg bes! tapi bila dh besar huhh party2 tu xyahlah...x stai ar besaq pon nk celebrate :p
Sedih tau :( makin besar makin kita tension an?
tp adat dunia, semakin hari kita semakin tua :O
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