MY HEART, MY SOUL, MY PASSION....... THIS IS MY OFFICIAL BLOG.. :D I WRITE ANYTHING I WANT HERE.. Stalkers and silent readers are allowed because i'm kind enough. This is like my other diary. This is a place where i use to confess out my opinions and feelings... do u know that every single day happen in our life is a priceless moment.. ^^
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
okay manusia yg pling jual mahal kini tlh mnjadi milik seorang lelaki player. mwahah bukan aq lah! ==
dy kaple kerana terlampau kecewa dgn perbuatan sorg abg senior yg bernama negative S
aq kesian gila dgn dya nie.. sabar yer syg~ :)))
back to the topic .. Aik? aq tak tulih title laa ... adess... ==
okay fine . im gonna talk about PMR . (pakcik man rabun XD) . no offence.
okay ari selasa ari tu, ka rabu tah.. nvm then ==.. cgu suhaimi msuk kelas 3a4.
aq bru ja nk enjoy sbb taw ada cgu x msuk kelas dan tiba2
"slamat pagi smua" and i was just like omg!
todia CGU SUHAIMI ZAMAN !!! :DD hehe tiru cara matluthfi ckp . masa cgu masuk aq x kisah pon. excited kot nk dgr dy bg motivasi kat kami smua... tp yg x tahan tetiba plak dy...
taptaptaptaptap pmr no 1!~ XDDD ... seyes lwk gila.. aq rasa aq yg dok gelak masa tuu... omg awat la aq nie asyik gelakja... x suka la mcm nie.. sng sgt gelak kat org . tp ada faedah nya... org kata klu gelak byk, awet muda~ hehehe...
cgu kata PMR tu xdak apa2 pon. Even Tcher Selvarani pon kata PMR is nothing... haha masa tcher kata pmr is nothing aq hanya gelak dlm diam . yerla klu nothing xyah la susah2 aq p tusyen siang mlm. x yah dok susah lengoh badan, sbb pmr is nothing!! =="
tp sebaik sahaja beta mendengar akan perbicaraan cgu suhaimi mengenai pmr, beta terus sedar akan stu perkara .. :O (sory tatabahasa tggang langgang)
"anda2 sekalian, tahun ni anda akan menduduki PMR . anda harus sedar satu perkara yer.. PMR itu bukan peperiksaan. Soalan nya pon x susah mcm exam ibrahim kamu nie... PMR sebenarnya hanya satu penilaian tentang segala yg telah kamu belajar dan sbb itu nama dya PENILAIAN MENENGAH RENDAH."
(krik krik krik)
aq hnya mmpu ternganga (seb bek xdak lalat msa tu) .
YA! mmg betui gila cgu suhaimi ckp! awat la aq x sedaq lgsung... -.- PMR tu penilaian bkn peperiksaan! dan kita tkut sbb bnda tu 1 malaysia amik serentak.
sebaik sahaja cgu suhaimi kuar pon
"wah... pmr tu penilaian ja kan? tp cmna pon aq kna pulon gk bg 8A. ingat senang ka . hermm"
ikut la kan, aq nak study leklok. aq pon x la pandai sgt mcm albert einstein. bkn tusyen einstein okay.
HOHO . :|
Okay what else ar??? hermm minggu ney aq bt oral bm. pstu smua ternganga. pstu aq jd gagap . pstu surachai tgk aq. pstu adi kacau kt blakang pstu the end...
Same goes to oral BI. Okhela aq rasa.... nadia lupa skrip tiba2 kot. seb bek x lama. 11 saat ja. yg syok aq bkn nk tlg dya, aq p sbuk kira masa . XD heee . Teacher suruh kami bt sekali lg in front of other teachers. Mybe next monday or tuesday. And again aq ada tuition. cmna nk stayback!
ouh lupa aq kena p tusyen doreme nie.. okeylah bye2 bloggers!~
p/s : im gonna insane with ur attitude. u make me confuse. are u kidding me ? =="
Friday, April 8, 2011
LOVE is needed for our soul
"Have you even been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life ....
You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like maybe we should just be friends or how very perceptive turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart.
yes.. realize that all we need in this world is some love..
love sometimes make u cry
sometimes make u smile for no reason
sometimes make u wanna kill urself
sometimes horrible
sometimes give happiness
that is LOVE. It is a gift from our god and we must grateful if we have been in love before this..
love is still one of the mysterious things that happen in our life. ...
but the most important is love is not blind.. kita yg menyalahgunakannya dan menyebabkan ianya parah..:))
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Try to love some1 and u 'll realize that the feeling is different.. |
for ur information, i really really love the LOVE.. LOVE is meaningful and full of happiness that can make us kinda like a dumb person.. if we dont get the meaning of love..seriously we are missing a precious thing..
Maybe he's doing the same thing as me... maybe he wants so bad to call me, but just won't because I haven't called him... maybe he wanted so badly to text me a massage but he thought that i won't reply so he refuse to do it.. i called him ******* and he explain to me everything and still keep my feelings well.. im so touch with everything that he do.. he smile at me and said "thank u" for what i have done for him.. and i just smile and do nothing. he smile at the back with his frens and i only recognize dat when i know somebody is watching me. i was really shock and what i do is just SMILE back :))
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Ich liebe dich zu sehen lächelnden Jungen ...nah hmbek!~
he thanked me ... he loved dat kind of things so much. . heee~ i dont mind . i jus want to see his smile... :))
thanks to khairani saad.. and naqiuddin nayan (lol tetiba ja)
for helping me....
giving it.....
to HIM!
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